Όροι χρήσης

Visitors will enjoy equal visitation privileges consistent with your preferences and subject to the hospital’s justification of clinical restrictions.

Some of these restrictions include:

  • A court order limiting or restraining contact
  • Behavior presenting a direct risk or threat to you, hospital staff or others in the immediate environment
  • Behavior disruptive to the functioning of the patient care unit
  • Reasonable limitations on the number of visitors at one time
  • Your risk of infection by the visitor
  • Visitor’s risk of infection by you
  • Extraordinary protections because of a pandemic or infectious disease outbreak
  • Substance abuse treatment protocols requiring restricted visitation

Visiting hours

Patients may refuse or deny visitors at any time by letting the nursing staff know of your decision. Also, your decision can be shared by your representative and/or support person. If you believe that your visitation rights have been violated, you may file a complaint.

Visiting Hours

In all patient care areas visiting hours begin at 11:00 and end at 20:00 daily. Out of consideration for all patients, only two visitors per patient are permitted at a time.
For their safety, children younger than the age of 12 cannot visit you in the hospital. Children may not be left unattended in any part of the hospital. The hospital does not restrict, limit or otherwise deny visitation on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation or disability.